I have completed Data science online training program from Zarantech. The online classes were highly interactive. It was a great experience. Thanks to Zarantech
- What is Data Science, the significance of Data Science in today’s digitally-driven world, applications of Data Science, lifecycle of Data Science, components of the Data Science lifecycle, introduction to big data and Hadoop, introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning, introduction to R programming and R Studio. Hands-on Exercise – Installation of R Studio, implementing simple mathematical operations and logic using R operators, loops, if statements and switch cases.
- Introduction to data exploration, importing and exporting data to/from external sources, what is data exploratory analysis, data importing, dataframes, working with dataframes, accessing individual elements, vectors and factors, operators, in-built functions, conditional, looping statements and user-defined functions, matrix, list and array. Hands-on Exercise – Accessing individual elements of customer churn data, modifying and extracting the results from the dataset using user-defined functions in R.
- Need for Data Manipulation, Introduction to dplyr package, Selecting one or more columns with select() function, Filtering out records on the basis of a condition with filter() function, Adding new columns with the mutate() function, Sampling & Counting with sample_n(), sample_frac() & count() functions, Getting summarized results with the summarise() function, Combining different functions with the pipe operator, Implementing sql like operations with sqldf. Hands-on Exercise – Implementing dplyr to perform various operations for abstracting over how data is manipulated and stored.
- Introduction to visualization, Different types of graphs, Introduction to grammar of graphics & ggplot2 package, Understanding categorical distribution with geom_bar() function, understanding numerical distribution with geom_hist() function, building frequency polygons with geom_freqpoly(), making a scatter-plot with geom_pont() function, multivariate analysis with geom_boxplot, univariate Analysis with Bar-plot, histogram and Density Plot, multivariate distribution, Bar-plots for categorical variables using geom_bar(), adding themes with the theme() layer, visualization with plotly package & building web applications with shinyR, frequency-plots with geom_freqpoly(), multivariate distribution with scatter-plots and smooth lines, continuous vs categorical with box-plots, subgrouping the plots, working with co-ordinates and themes to make the graphs more presentable, Intro to plotly & various plots, visualization with ggvis package, geographic visualization with ggmap(), building web applications with shinyR. Hands-on Exercise – Creating data visualization to understand the customer churn ratio using charts using ggplot2, Plotly for importing and analyzing data into grids. You will visualize tenure, monthly charges, total charges and other individual columns by using the scatter plot.
- Why do we need Statistics?, Categories of Statistics, Statistical Terminologies,Types of Data, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Spread, Correlation & Covariance,Standardization & Normalization,Probability & Types of Probability, Hypothesis Testing, Chi-Square testing, ANOVA, normal distribution, binary distribution. Hands-on Exercise – Building a statistical analysis model that uses quantifications, representations, experimental data for gathering, reviewing, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data.
- Introduction to Machine Learning, introduction to Linear Regression, predictive modeling with Linear Regression, simple Linear and multiple Linear Regression, concepts and formulas, assumptions and residual diagnostics in Linear Regression, building simple linear model, predicting results and finding p-value, introduction to logistic regression, comparing linear regression and logistics regression, bivariate & multi-variate logistic regression, confusion matrix & accuracy of model, threshold evaluation with ROCR, Linear Regression concepts and detailed formulas, various assumptions of Linear Regression,residuals, qqnorm(), qqline(), understanding the fit of the model, building simple linear model, predicting results and finding p-value, understanding the summary results with Null Hypothesis, p-value & F-statistic, building linear models with multiple independent variables. Hands-on Exercise – Modeling the relationship within the data using linear predictor functions. Implementing Linear & Logistics Regression in R by building model with ‘tenure’ as a dependent variable and multiple independent variables.
- Introduction to Logistic Regression, Logistic Regression Concepts, Linear vs Logistic regression, math behind Logistic Regression, detailed formulas, logit function and odds, Bi-variate logistic Regression, Poisson Regression, building simple “binomial” model and predicting result, confusion matrix and Accuracy, true positive rate, false positive rate, and confusion matrix for evaluating built model, threshold evaluation with ROCR, finding the right threshold by building the ROC plot, cross validation & multivariate logistic regression, building logistic models with multiple independent variables, real-life applications of Logistic Regression. Hands-on Exercise – Implementing predictive analytics by describing the data and explaining the relationship between one dependent binary variable and one or more binary variables. You will use glm() to build a model and use ‘Churn’ as the dependent variable.
- What is classification and different classification techniques, introduction to Decision Tree, algorithm for decision tree induction, building a decision tree in R, creating a perfect Decision Tree, Confusion Matrix, Regression trees vs Classification trees, introduction to ensemble of trees and bagging, Random Forest concept, implementing Random Forest in R, what is Naive Bayes, Computing Probabilities, Impurity Function – Entropy, understand the concept of information gain for right split of node, Impurity Function – Information gain, understand the concept of Gini index for right split of node, Impurity Function – Gini index, understand the concept of Entropy for right split of node, overfitting & pruning, pre-pruning, post-pruning, cost-complexity pruning, pruning decision tree and predicting values, find the right no of trees and evaluate performance metrics. Hands-on Exercise – Implementing Random Forest for both regression and classification problems. You will build a tree, prune it by using ‘churn’ as the dependent variable and build a Random Forest with the right number of trees, using ROCR for performance metrics.
- What is Clustering & it’s Use Cases, what is K-means Clustering, what is Canopy Clustering, what is Hierarchical Clustering, introduction to Unsupervised Learning, feature extraction & clustering algorithms, k-means clustering algorithm, Theoretical aspects of k-means, and k-means process flow, K-means in R, implementing K-means on the data-set and finding the right no. of clusters using Scree-plot, hierarchical clustering & Dendogram, understand Hierarchical clustering, implement it in R and have a look at Dendograms, Principal Component Analysis, explanation of Principal Component Analysis in detail, PCA in R, implementing PCA in R. Hands-on Exercise – Deploying unsupervised learning with R to achieve clustering and dimensionality reduction, K-means clustering for visualizing and interpreting results for the customer churn data.
- Introduction to association rule Mining & Market Basket Analysis, measures of Association Rule Mining: Support, Confidence, Lift, Apriori algorithm & implementing it in R, Introduction to Recommendation Engine, user-based collaborative filtering & Item-Based Collaborative Filtering, implementing Recommendation Engine in R, user-Based and item-Based, Recommendation Use-cases. Hands-on Exercise – Deploying association analysis as a rule-based machine learning method, identifying strong rules discovered in databases with measures based on interesting discoveries.
- Introducing Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, what is an Artificial Neural Network, TensorFlow – computational framework for building AI models, fundamentals of building ANN using TensorFlow, working with TensorFlow in R.
- What is Time Series, techniques and applications, components of Time Series, moving average, smoothing techniques, exponential smoothing, univariate time series models, multivariate time series analysis, Arima model, Time Series in R, sentiment analysis in R (Twitter sentiment analysis), text analysis. Hands-on Exercise - Analyzing time-series data, the sequence of measurements that follow a non-random order to identify the nature of the phenomenon and to forecast the future values in the series.
- Introduction to Support Vector Machine (SVM), Data classification using SVM, SVM Algorithms using Separable and Inseparable cases, Linear SVM for identifying margin hyperplane.
- What is Bayes theorem, What is Naïve Bayes Classifier, Classification Workflow, How Naive Bayes classifier works, Classifier building in Scikit-learn, building a probabilistic classification model using Naïve Bayes, Zero Probability Problem.
- Introduction to concepts of Text Mining, Text Mining use cases, understanding and manipulating text with ‘tm’ & ‘stringR’, Text Mining Algorithms, Quantification of Text, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), After TF-IDF.
- This case study is associated with the modeling technique of Market Basket Analysis where you will learn about loading of data, various techniques for plotting the items and running the algorithms. It includes finding out what are the items that go hand in hand and hence can be clubbed together. This is used for various real world scenarios like a supermarket shopping cart and so on.
- In this case study you will get a detailed understanding of the advertisement spends of a company that will help to drive more sales. You will deploy logistic regression to forecast future trends, detect patterns, uncover insights and more all through the power of R programming. Due to this the future advertisement spends can be decided and optimized for higher revenues.
- You will understand how to compare the miles per gallon (MPG) of a car based on the various parameters. You will deploy multiple regression and note down the MPG for car make, model, speed, load conditions, etc. It includes the model building, model diagnostics, checking the ROC curve, among other things.
- You will work with various data sets in R, deploy data exploration methodologies, build scalable models, predict the outcome with the highest precision, diagnose the model that you have created with various real-world data, check the ROC curve and more.
- Industry : Retail
- Problem Statement : How to deploy the various rules and algorithms of Data Science for analyzing stationary store purchase data.
- Topics : In this project you will deploy the various tools of Data Science like association rule, Apriori algorithm in R, support, lift and confidence of association rule. You will analyze the purchase data of the stationary outlet for three days and understand the customer buying patterns across products.
- Highlights:
- Association rules for transaction data
- Association mining with Apriori algorithm
- Generating rules and identifying patterns
- Industry : Finance
- Problem Statement : Finding out the deciding factor for people to opt for the pre-paid model of stock broking.
- Topics : In this Data Science project you will learn about the various variables that are highly correlated in pre-paid brokerage model, analysis of various market opportunities, developing targeted promotion plans for various products sold under various categories. You will also do competitor analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of pre-paid model.
- Highlights:
- Deploying the rules of statistical analysis
- Implementing data visualization
- Linear regression for predictive modeling.
- Industry : Ecommerce
- Problem Statement : How to build a recommender system without the historical data available
- Topics : This project involves understanding of the cold start problem associated with the recommender systems. You will gain hands-on experience in information filtering, working on systems with zero historical data to refer to, as in the case of launching a new product. You will gain proficiency in working with personalized applications like movies, books, songs, news and such other recommendations. This project includes the various ways of working with algorithms and deploying other data science techniques.
- Highlights:
- Algorithms for Recommender
- Ways of Recommendation
- Types of Recommendation -Collaborative Filtering Based Recommendation, Content-Based Recommendation
- Complete mastery in working with the Cold Start Problem.
- Industry : Ecommerce
- Topics : This is real world project that gives you hands-on experience in working with a movie recommender system. Depending on what movies are liked by a particular user, you will be in a position to provide data-driven recommendations. This project involves understanding recommender systems, information filtering, predicting ‘rating’, learning about user ‘preference’ and so on. You will exclusively work on data related to user details, movie details and others. The main components of the project include the following:
- Recommendation for movie
- Two Types of Predictions – Rating Prediction, Item Prediction
- Important Approaches: Memory Based and Model-Based
- Knowing User Based Methods in K-Nearest Neighbor
- Understanding Item Based Method
- Matrix Factorization
- Decomposition of Singular Value
- Data Science Project discussion
- Collaboration Filtering
- Business Variables Overview
- Industry : Gaming
- Problem Statement : For the purpose of this case study, you are a Pokemon trainer who is on his way to catch all the 800 Pokemons
- Topics : This real-world project will give you a hands-on experience on the data science life cycle. You’ll understand the structure of the ‘Pokemon’ dataset & use machine learning algorithms to make some predictions. You will use the dplyr package to filter out specific Pokemons and use decision trees to find if the Pokemon is legendary or not.
- Highlights:
- dplyr package to filter Pokemons
- Decision Tree algorithm
- Linear regression algorithm.
- Industry : E-commerce
- Problem Statement : Building a book recommender system for readers with similar interests
- Topics : This real-world project will give you a hands-on experience in working with a book recommender system. Depending on what books are read by a particular user, you will be in a position to provide data-driven recommendations. You will understand the structure of the data and visualize it to find interesting patterns.
- Highlights:
- Data analysis & visualization
- Recommender Lab
- User Based Collaborative Filtering Model.
- Industry : Analytics
- Problem Statement : Predicting if the customer will churn or not.
- Topics : An end-to-end capstone project comprising:
- Manipulating and envisioning the data for insights.
- Implementing the linear regression model to predict continuous values.
- Implementing classification models – decision tree, logistic regression, and random forest on “customer churn”.
- Highlights:
- An end-to-end capstone project covering all the modules. You’ll start off by manipulating and visualizing the data to get interesting insights. Then you’d have to implement the linear regression model to predict continuous values. Following which you’ll implement these classification models – logistic regression, decision tree & random forest on the “customer churn” data frame to find if the customer will churn or not.

Certificate of Completion(Sample)

Data Science Online Course FAQs
Data Science is all about mining hidden insights of data pertaining to trends, behaviour, interpretation and inferences to enable informed decisions to support the business. The professionals who perform these activities are said to be a Data Scientist/Science professional. Data Science is the most high-in-demand profession and as per Harvard, Data Science is the most sort after profession in the world.
- 1.4 Lakh jobs are vacant in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data roles according to NASSCOM
- World will notice a deficit of 2.3 Lakh Data Science professionals by 2021
- The Demand for Data Scientist professionals has increased by 417% in the year 2018, in India, as per Talent Supply Index
- Data Science is the best job to pursue according to Glassdoor 2018 rankings
Data Analytics: Data Analytics often refer as the techniques of Data Analysis
Data Mining: Dealing with large amount of data
Data Science: Mainly includes Data + Algorithms where, Predictive Analysis/Modelling, Statistical Analysis, Probability Models and includes very complex mathematics in D.S.
The best possible answer for this would be Python because it has Pandas library that provides easy to use data structures and high-performance data analysis tools.
Classification technique is used widely in mining for classifying data sets.
A. Data Science:
- Data science is not exactly a subset of machine learning but it uses machine learning to analyse and make future predictions.
- It can take on a business role.
- Data Science is a broad term for diverse disciplines and is not merely about developing and training models.
B. Machine Learning:
- A subset of AI that focuses on narrow range of activities.
- It is a purely technical role.
- Machine learning fits within the data science spectrum.
C. Artificial Intelligence:
- A wide term that focuses on applications ranging from Robotics to Text Analysis.
- It is a combination of both business and technical aspects.
- AI is a sub-field of computer science.
Data Science Placement FAQ’s
- Fulfill your prerequisites
- Plug Yourself into the Community
- Setup and Learn to use your tools such as Python , R and SQL
- Learn Probability and Statistics
- Complete Harvard’s Data Science Course
- Data Scientist
- Data Analyst
- Data Engineer
- Business analyst
- Database Administrator
- Business Intelligence Professional
The average salary of data science in USA is $117,345/yr and in India it is Rs 620,244/year.
Data science is the most growing and demanding field and has plenty of job openings.
A candidate need to have:
- A PHD or Master’s Degree, Bachelors in Math/Statistics, Computer Science or any relevant disciplines
- Understanding of Data Mining and Processing, and Statistical Analysis
- Basic Programming Skills
- Knowledge of SAS and other Analytical tools
- Strong Communication Skills
- Professional from any domain who has logical, mathematical and analytical skills.
- Professionals working on Business intelligence, Data Warehousing & reporting tools.
- Statisticians, Economists, Mathematicians.
- Software programmers.
- Business analysts.
- Six Sigma consultants.
- Fresher from any stream with good Analytical and logical skills.
Develop a predictive model for an anomaly detection [ Detailed Project description is given below].
“Develop a predictive model for an anomaly detection”
Project Description
Objective: To develop a predictive model for credit risk banking application
Data: A data set (data.csv) consists of 1,000 credit card applications with 20 feature columns and 1 label column. The features are a mix of numeric and categorical types.
The label or target column ‘Col21’ is taking 2 values:
- 1 for low credit risk observations;
- 2 for high risk observations.
Caveat: If the model predicts a high credit risk for someone who is actually a low credit risk, the model has made a misclassification. But the reverse misclassification is five times more costly to the financial institution: if the model predicts a low credit risk for someone who is actually a high credit risk.
Generic Training FAQs
ZaranTech provides Role-based Instructor Led Live and Self Paced Video Training and certification programs by industry expert trainer’s using Online meeting tools like Citrix GotoWebinar.
We provide three different modes of training:
Instructor Led Live Training (ILLT) – In this mode students attend the Live online sessions as per the training schedule. Assignments and course materials access is provided using the LMS system. Students can also view the videos of the past sessions and post questions using the LMS system. Students can ask trainers question live during the session or offline using the LMS system. 24×7 access to Support is available.
Instructor Led Video Training (ILVT) – In this mode students do not attend Live online sessions but learn from the Session video recordings. Assignments and course materials access is provided using the LMS system. Students can post questions offline for trainers using the LMS system. 24×7 access to Support is available.
Self-Paced Video Training (SPVT) – Self-paced video training program is designed to learn at your own pace. Students are given a access to the LMS system and learn thru pre-recorded session videos. They access the assignments and materials thru the LMS system. 24×7 access to Support is available.
- Picture – https://www.zarantech.com/images/advertisement/live-vs-video-training/live-vs-video-full.png
- Click on the below links to know the differences between live training, video training, self-paced video training:
- Instructor Led Live Training (ILLT) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iE3CGjPSnA
- Instructor Led Video Training (ILVT) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_GOe5LFrqA
- Self-paced Video Training (SPVT) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1P9_fkg9mE
Operating System: Windows XP or newer
Browser: Internet Explorer 6.x or newer
CPU: P350 MHz, recommended P500+ MHz
Memory: 128 MB, recommended 256+ MB RAM
Free Disk Space: 40 MB, recommended 200+ MB for content and recordings
Internet Connection: 28.8 Kbps, recommended 128+ Kbps
Monitor: 16 bit colors (high color)
Other: Sound card, microphone, and speakers OR headset with microphone
1Mbps of internet speed is recommended to attend the live classes. Even with lesser internet speed students can attend live session.
Some of the major benefits are:
Full Interactivity – Two-way voice over internet and web-conferencing tool. This tool enables participants to ask questions and collaborate with each other in an online virtual space and enables the online trainer to answer questions, take simulations, and receive answers instantaneously. Every trainee can view the trainers desktop and vice versa.
Cost Savings and Convenience – Courses can be completed from home, the office, or wherever the Internet is accessible. There is no need to travel to a specific location to attend a training program. Less overhead cost for the company and the savings is passed on to the trainees. Shorter course schedules mean that projects don’t have to be put on hold while participants train (for corporations).
Never Miss a Session – With online training, you can receive archived video recorded sessions to all enrollees and the streaming video recording links are posted on the Training blog after each session. Participants may view these sessions to review sessions post-class or make up a missed class as needed. Accesses to Video Recordings are available after the training end thus making it easy for you to review after training ends.
Location Independent – You may join for an online instructor-led course from any part of the world without having to travel. Trainees can attend from USA, Canada, New Zealand, UK, Australia, India and many other countries around the world.
Affordable – Classroom sessions are expensive. You pay for Hotel, Food, Travel plus Course Fees. All those overhead costs quickly add up to more than 5,000 dollars. Online training programs costs less and is a fraction of that cost of classroom training.
Best Trainers – If you are taking a Classroom training, you are restricted to take the training from the best instructors available in that area only. This is Not the case in Online training setup. We hire and work with Best trainers throughout the world with the power of internet.
Career Focused –The online IT training courses match the tasks, assignments or projects you perform for employers on the job guaranteeing that the new skills you gain after training are immediately relevant to your career or employer.
Shorter Sessions – By providing shorter session duration and then providing assignments, gives the trainees time to understand the concepts and practice from the assignments and be prepared for the next session. Online training sessions are each 2-3 hrs long and only cover 10hrs per week. Classes are scheduled 2-3 days apart giving you time to practice.
All Instructors from ZaranTech are working professionals from leading organizations who have minimum of 8 years of real-time consulting experience working on live projects and good subject knowledge. They have minimum 3+ years of experience in training. Most of our trainers are Certified professionals as well and help the students to get certified.
Yes, you will be working on the case-studies/project which helps you to implement the gained skills and knowledge practically towards the end of the training workshop.
Trainee can choose any of the following payment methods to enrol our training program:
For USD payment, trainee can pay by Paypal and Bank of America
Bank payments from anywhere in USA
Money orders
International Wire transfer
ACH transfers
Chase Quickpay
Bank of America transfers
Wells Fargo Surepay
Credit Card
Debit Card
Net Banking
Instalment option is also available
We accept credit card, debit card and net banking for all leading banks
Since most of our trainers are working professional themselves, we provide Instructor-led Live training as per the following schedules and try to complete 8-10 hrs of Live training per week:
Weekday evenings Mon-Fri – start time at 7 or 7:30pm CST with each session 2-3 hrs.
Weekend batch timings are Sat-Sun with start times of 8am, 4pm, 7pm CST with each session 3-4hrs
You can Raise a Ticket from the Blog and a Support team member will respond to your query. We help 24×7 through our ticketing system.
Once the session is complete, all the session videos will be uploaded on the blog. You can access the missed session videos on the blog. The videos recordings and access to the training blog is available to you for 6 months. The materials access thru Google drive repository is available to you for lifetime.
After the session is complete, all the session videos are uploaded for you to view using the blog. You can access the blog from any device (laptop, tablets, mobile phone) connected to internet and watch the videos.
Yes, as a sample we can surely provide you some videos from previous workshops.
In ILLT, you have an option to attend the live classes of other trainers. But, this has to be informed to the respective co-ordinators before completing three live sessions.
In case of ILVT and SPVT, you have an option to access other trainer’s videos on raising request to the co-ordinators and support team. But the access to the previously shared videos will be restricted.
To know more about our Terms of Service including the Refund and Rescheduling policy, please visit,
Refund and Rescheduling Policy – https://www.zarantech.com/Refund-policy/
Terms of Service – https://www.zarantech.com/terms-of-use/
The soft copy of course completion certificate from ZaranTech will be sent to you via e-mail after your training completion. Here is a Sample, https://goo.gl/Ben1V1
Once you have enrolled to the training program, our support team will send an email to your registered Email ID. The video link in an e-mail explains how to login to the training blog and access the training program and content. This takes less than 2-3 hrs.
We will help you to setup Virtual Machine in your System with local access. The detailed installation guides will be provided for setting up the environment. In case your system doesn’t meet the prerequisites e.g. 4GB RAM, you will be provided remote access to the Server for the practicals. For any doubt, the 24*7 support team will promptly assist you.
Most of our courses are designed to get you a job first and are also geared for you to get certified. After the course completion, your trainer will provide all details about the certification you can appear for the qualifications of each. We also provide you with Certification faqs and dumps from past certification exams. Our trainers help each and every student in getting them certified.
We are training and certification company company and after training provide Certification guidance, Resume and Interview preparation assistance. We also work with many sister consulting firms in USA who help in provide placements. See the videos below to learn more,
ZaranTech – Interview preparation Assistance – https://goo.gl/w3qcyP
ZaranTech – Resume-Preparation-Assistance – https://goo.gl/8gWz9O
Enroll to our Self paced video training.
Video Explanation – What is Self Paced Video Training – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1P9_fkg9mE
Our corporate office is located in West Des Moines, Iowa. And our Offshore support center is located in Bangalore, India.
Generic Placement FAQs
We are a training and certification company which provides excellent online, classroom and self-paced training programs. After our training is finished, this is what we provide,
Resume Assistance – We help you with preparing a very good and presentable Resume using your past experience and the Real project based Case studies. We also help you how to represent your resume and answer project based questions, module based technical questions, and behavioral questions. After you are done with this process, you will be very confident with representing you resume
Interview preparation Assistance – We provide you mock interview videos, Interview faqs and project based documents. We then guide you step by step to take an interview and clear it
Certification Assistance – We provide you with Certification dumps from past certifications, and a step-by-step guide and resources to appear for the Certification
After all these are completed, we work with you and the 50+ sister consulting companies we are aligned with to get you a job interview.
It is not a good idea to get marketed by multiple consulting companies at the same. It might take serious impact on candidature, due to duplicate resume submission by different consulting companies to same client. Some times resume might go on hold.
Because of above-mentioned reasons, it is always better to work with one staffing company at one time.
Once you have completed your training we will assign a staffing company for your assistance.Escalate to us immediately, If you feel the assigned Sister consulting company is not doing justice. Then, we will assign another Sister consulting company with in 24 hours.
We provide Placement Assistance. We are training and certification company and after training provides Certification guidance, Resume, and Interview preparation assistance. We also work with many sister consulting firms in the USA who help in provide placements. See the videos below to learn more,
Video Explanation – Resume preparation Assistance – https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B54DtdFoJjynNkJJT2hvVHZwZlk
Video Explanation – Interview preparation Assistance – https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B54DtdFoJjynUnA5NGg3MHVZbGs
We only place our own students. If you have already taken the training somewhere else then we cannot help you with placement. We have more than 150 students per month that we train here, so we are very busy with our own student placements. Also, we follow certain standards in our training program and are very comfortable placing our own trained students because of the training structure we follow and the course we cover and the trainer we have. Our training follows a Role based approach.
Unfortunately, We DO NOT provide such services. We are a leading training firm and we train you and get you better in that skill chosen by you. We will share frequently asked interview questions to you. We assist you in preparing yourself with the help of Mock Interviews to understand how to take up an interview call but WE DO NOT take (PROXY INTERVIEW) interviews on your behalf. We will make sure you will face interviews as experienced consultant with confidence by providing best role based training. We will make sure that you don’t require a proxy interview.
We will share sample resumes for reference and we will guide you to prepare best professional looking resume. But we will not draft your resume due to legal restrictions. It is your resume and whatever you submit as your resume, we will market the same. Interviewer picks the questions from your resume only. You will answer all the interviewer’s questions with confidence, If you put your efforts to prepare resume. We have plenty of sample resumes. Hardly it will take less than a minute to send modified resume to you. But trust me you will find difficulty by searching answers in interview because of that resume.
Sure, you can have preferences though we prefer you keep it OPEN. Relocation really opens up the prospects and helps us place you FASTER. Recruiters/Sister consulting firms shows much interest if you are Flexible to relocate anywhere in USA. But people do have Preferences, we do understand that.
For a best candidate, LOCATION Preferences is not a big hurdle. Candidate can expect more interview calls if he/she market themselves, than a candidate who is depending on only one recruiter or one Sister consulting company. Here we are not trying to ignore you after the training. We will guide how to get more interview calls by marketing yourself. Whoever uploads the resume in job portals will not get interview calls for everyone. It is an ART to get attracted by recruiters and get more interview calls. We will help you to that skill.
Sooner you are prepared, better for both parties. We will give you deadlines to accomplish goals and our placement team will actively work with you from there-on. Placements can be quick considering the job market situation.
We do not offer any job guarantees. But we surely do offer certification guarantee if you attend your classes regularly, complete all quizzes and assignments and Case Study/Project at the end. No Company can ever guarantee a job. We can assist, not guarantee jobs. We do our best to get the good number of interview calls through our 50+ sister consulting companies we work with. But we do require your efforts for the same. We can guarantee that.
The idea is very simple – Get better at concepts and with our resume and interview assistance, clear an interview and get a job. There is no shortcut then this.
Job Market is good at the moment, there are ample job opportunities that awaits you, however more the job opportunities, higher the competition.
With Regards to Pay, It all depends on client, location, job market and number of Layers involved in your payroll. The pay might vary from $50-55k per annum for BA and $60-65K for Java/Informatics/Hadoop/Salesforce/SAP Consultant. But if we get a better rate, we surely pay better too.
Our Idea is to get you started on a job. We advise you take up the first job offered, wet your feet, get some experience and then can demand whatever rate later.
It is quite a challenge for us to get First Project for you, hence we suggest you focus towards working hard and aiming for the first project instead of worrying about the pay.
Those rates which we mentioned are approximate. It usually depends on the client, experience & number of layers in your payroll and job market. Your negotiation skills also matter.
The course fees you pay is for learning the concepts of the course we provide so you can get better and get certified and clear your interviews.
We work with 50+ Sister consulting companies. Escalate to us immediately, If you feel the assigned Sister consulting company is not doing justice. Then, we will assign another Sister consulting company in 24 hours. You will always have an opportunity to work with another sister consulting company, if you don’t like them regarding resume marketing.
Here we don’t ignore you after the training. If you are interested, we will guide how to get more interview calls by marketing yourself. Whoever uploads the resume in job portals will not get interview calls for everyone. It is an art to get attracted by recruiters and get more interview calls. We will help you to get that skills.
Well it’s always a give and take. We do our best to get interviews and you must work towards it. In job market there are huge requirements for various positions/job-roles, but we need to send candidates who are thoroughly prepared to face the interviews.
Try to be flexible regarding location and salary rates at least for first project. So that you can expect good number of interviews early.
We only market our own trainees and we are busy in marketing them .There is a certain way we work, our placement team will process you through the Resume Process, Mock Interviews/Interview preparation, Resume Marketing. For us to understand you better and your job requirements. We suggest you to enrolling/registering our training program and go through us to get marketed.
First of all we DONT suggest or advise anyone to FAKE their Resumes. Since we provide Role Based training, you will be provided with Real-time project based Assignments and Case Studies. This will help you understand about your roles and responsibilities in an actual project scenario. Most of our students use this as experience and update same on their resume as a project; In addition to that our candidates are provided with various other real-time project based case studies.
Post their BA Training, while re-drafting the resume, we suggest the candidates to stress on BA skills learnt out of their previous work experience as a QA. This will help focus on the BA skills to secure a BA job more easily.It is a challenge for us place a fresher
No, we don’t charge for it. Even you don’t need to pay to our sister consulting companies who assist you with Resume preparation assistance, Interview Preparation assistance and lastly Placement.
Video Explanation – Resume preparation Assistance – https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B54DtdFoJjynNkJJT2hvVHZwZlk
Video Explanation – Interview preparation Assistance – https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B54DtdFoJjynUnA5NGg3MHVZbGs
Yes. We do work with TN Visa holder who are living in USA. We will work with students who has valid work permit in USA and who are living in USA. But we do not provide services to get TN VISA (Immigration support). As of now, we only have clients in USA and don’t provide services in Mexico/Canada.
Yes. we do help for H1B Transfer with the help of our Vendors (sister consulting companies). They only transfer your H1B once finding a project for you.
It is completely depend up on the job opening.
If you get placed through our sister consulting companies, we will provide on the job support. If you get placed on your own, we don’t. It is up to the trainer whether he wants to give you the support or not. If he wants then, he will charge for that separately.
It is illegal to charge a candidate for H1B. We will take care of your H1B fee If you get placed through our sister consulting companies.
Most of the USA companies consider only your USA experience. But it may vary. If the company needs to close the position soon or the skill has much demand in the job market, then they only check how strong you are in subject.
Once you are done with your training, we will assist you in all the best possible ways to get you Interview calls. We assist in Resume Assistance, mock interviews/Interview preparation etc. Once you get through Interview faqs, then we market your resume. If you cooperate with our vendor and flexible regarding location and rates, then there are high chances to get placed maximum in 2-3 months.
As per our company policy we do not offer the option of payment after placement because you are paying for the services of training and certification learning and not for placement services. After the training process which involves resume preparation assistance, interview preparation assistance and placement services through our sister consulting companies are offered to you as a free service.
However you may approach several other institutes online that offer this option, if you are looking for one. We would be more than happy to help you If you need a quality training.
We have this company policy of charging UPFRONT for the training.
But 100% we provide placement assistance to the trainees who reach us.
We don’t have any direct clients. Because we are not into core consulting services. We work with consulting companies for placement assistance. We are tie up with 50+ consulting companies. They will market your resume to their clients.
We don’t have liberty to share our sister concern company names, unless until you enroll with us at least for a video training. After completing the training we will assign a consulting company for assistance.
Data Science Master Program FAQs
Data Science is all about mining hidden insights of data pertaining to trends, behaviour, interpretation and inferences to enable informed decisions to support the business. The professionals who perform these activities are said to be a Data Scientist/Science professional. Data Science is the most high-in-demand profession and as per Harvard, Data Science is the most sort after profession in the world.
- 1.4 Lakh jobs are vacant in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data roles according to NASSCOM
- World will notice a deficit of 2.3 Lakh Data Science professionals by 2021
- The Demand for Data Scientist professionals has increased by 417% in the year 2018, in India, as per Talent Supply Index
- Data Science is the best job to pursue according to Glassdoor 2018 rankings
Data Analytics: Data Analytics often refer as the techniques of Data Analysis
Data Mining: Dealing with large amount of data
Data Science: Mainly includes Data + Algorithms where, Predictive Analysis/Modelling, Statistical Analysis, Probability Models and includes very complex mathematics in D.S.
The best possible answer for this would be Python because it has Pandas library that provides easy to use data structures and high-performance data analysis tools.
Classification technique is used widely in mining for classifying data sets.
A. Data Science:
- Data science is not exactly a subset of machine learning but it uses machine learning to analyse and make future predictions.
- It can take on a business role.
- Data Science is a broad term for diverse disciplines and is not merely about developing and training models.
B. Machine Learning:
- A subset of AI that focuses on narrow range of activities.
- It is a purely technical role.
- Machine learning fits within the data science spectrum.
C. Artificial Intelligence:
- A wide term that focuses on applications ranging from Robotics to Text Analysis.
- It is a combination of both business and technical aspects.
- AI is a sub-field of computer science.
Data Science Placement FAQ’s
- Fulfill your prerequisites
- Plug Yourself into the Community
- Setup and Learn to use your tools such as Python , R and SQL
- Learn Probability and Statistics
- Complete Harvard’s Data Science Course
- Data Scientist
- Data Analyst
- Data Engineer
- Business analyst
- Database Administrator
- Business Intelligence Professional
The average salary of data science in USA is $117,345/yr and in India it is Rs 620,244/year.
Data science is the most growing and demanding field and has plenty of job openings.
A candidate need to have:
- A PHD or Master’s Degree, Bachelors in Math/Statistics, Computer Science or any relevant disciplines
- Understanding of Data Mining and Processing, and Statistical Analysis
- Basic Programming Skills
- Knowledge of SAS and other Analytical tools
- Strong Communication Skills
- Professional from any domain who has logical, mathematical and analytical skills.
- Professionals working on Business intelligence, Data Warehousing & reporting tools.
- Statisticians, Economists, Mathematicians.
- Software programmers.
- Business analysts.
- Six Sigma consultants.
- Fresher from any stream with good Analytical and logical skills.
Develop a predictive model for an anomaly detection [ Detailed Project description is given below].
“Develop a predictive model for an anomaly detection”
Project Description
Objective: To develop a predictive model for credit risk banking application
Data: A data set (data.csv) consists of 1,000 credit card applications with 20 feature columns and 1 label column. The features are a mix of numeric and categorical types.
The label or target column ‘Col21’ is taking 2 values:
- 1 for low credit risk observations;
- 2 for high risk observations.
Caveat: If the model predicts a high credit risk for someone who is actually a low credit risk, the model has made a misclassification. But the reverse misclassification is five times more costly to the financial institution: if the model predicts a low credit risk for someone who is actually a high credit risk.
Generic Training FAQs
ZaranTech provides Role-based Instructor Led Live and Self Paced Video Training and certification programs by industry expert trainer’s using Online meeting tools like Citrix GotoWebinar.
We provide three different modes of training:
Instructor Led Live Training (ILLT) – In this mode students attend the Live online sessions as per the training schedule. Assignments and course materials access is provided using the LMS system. Students can also view the videos of the past sessions and post questions using the LMS system. Students can ask trainers question live during the session or offline using the LMS system. 24×7 access to Support is available.
Instructor Led Video Training (ILVT) – In this mode students do not attend Live online sessions but learn from the Session video recordings. Assignments and course materials access is provided using the LMS system. Students can post questions offline for trainers using the LMS system. 24×7 access to Support is available.
Self-Paced Video Training (SPVT) – Self-paced video training program is designed to learn at your own pace. Students are given a access to the LMS system and learn thru pre-recorded session videos. They access the assignments and materials thru the LMS system. 24×7 access to Support is available.
- Picture – https://www.zarantech.com/images/advertisement/live-vs-video-training/live-vs-video-full.png
- Click on the below links to know the differences between live training, video training, self-paced video training:
- Instructor Led Live Training (ILLT) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iE3CGjPSnA
- Instructor Led Video Training (ILVT) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_GOe5LFrqA
- Self-paced Video Training (SPVT) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1P9_fkg9mE
Operating System: Windows XP or newer
Browser: Internet Explorer 6.x or newer
CPU: P350 MHz, recommended P500+ MHz
Memory: 128 MB, recommended 256+ MB RAM
Free Disk Space: 40 MB, recommended 200+ MB for content and recordings
Internet Connection: 28.8 Kbps, recommended 128+ Kbps
Monitor: 16 bit colors (high color)
Other: Sound card, microphone, and speakers OR headset with microphone
1Mbps of internet speed is recommended to attend the live classes. Even with lesser internet speed students can attend live session.
Some of the major benefits are:
Full Interactivity – Two-way voice over internet and web-conferencing tool. This tool enables participants to ask questions and collaborate with each other in an online virtual space and enables the online trainer to answer questions, take simulations, and receive answers instantaneously. Every trainee can view the trainers desktop and vice versa.
Cost Savings and Convenience – Courses can be completed from home, the office, or wherever the Internet is accessible. There is no need to travel to a specific location to attend a training program. Less overhead cost for the company and the savings is passed on to the trainees. Shorter course schedules mean that projects don’t have to be put on hold while participants train (for corporations).
Never Miss a Session – With online training, you can receive archived video recorded sessions to all enrollees and the streaming video recording links are posted on the Training blog after each session. Participants may view these sessions to review sessions post-class or make up a missed class as needed. Accesses to Video Recordings are available after the training end thus making it easy for you to review after training ends.
Location Independent – You may join for an online instructor-led course from any part of the world without having to travel. Trainees can attend from USA, Canada, New Zealand, UK, Australia, India and many other countries around the world.
Affordable – Classroom sessions are expensive. You pay for Hotel, Food, Travel plus Course Fees. All those overhead costs quickly add up to more than 5,000 dollars. Online training programs costs less and is a fraction of that cost of classroom training.
Best Trainers – If you are taking a Classroom training, you are restricted to take the training from the best instructors available in that area only. This is Not the case in Online training setup. We hire and work with Best trainers throughout the world with the power of internet.
Career Focused –The online IT training courses match the tasks, assignments or projects you perform for employers on the job guaranteeing that the new skills you gain after training are immediately relevant to your career or employer.
Shorter Sessions – By providing shorter session duration and then providing assignments, gives the trainees time to understand the concepts and practice from the assignments and be prepared for the next session. Online training sessions are each 2-3 hrs long and only cover 10hrs per week. Classes are scheduled 2-3 days apart giving you time to practice.
All Instructors from ZaranTech are working professionals from leading organizations who have minimum of 8 years of real-time consulting experience working on live projects and good subject knowledge. They have minimum 3+ years of experience in training. Most of our trainers are Certified professionals as well and help the students to get certified.
Yes, you will be working on the case-studies/project which helps you to implement the gained skills and knowledge practically towards the end of the training workshop.
Trainee can choose any of the following payment methods to enrol our training program:
For USD payment, trainee can pay by Paypal and Bank of America
Bank payments from anywhere in USA
Money orders
International Wire transfer
ACH transfers
Chase Quickpay
Bank of America transfers
Wells Fargo Surepay
Credit Card
Debit Card
Net Banking
Instalment option is also available
We accept credit card, debit card and net banking for all leading banks
Since most of our trainers are working professional themselves, we provide Instructor-led Live training as per the following schedules and try to complete 8-10 hrs of Live training per week:
Weekday evenings Mon-Fri – start time at 7 or 7:30pm CST with each session 2-3 hrs.
Weekend batch timings are Sat-Sun with start times of 8am, 4pm, 7pm CST with each session 3-4hrs
You can Raise a Ticket from the Blog and a Support team member will respond to your query. We help 24×7 through our ticketing system.
Once the session is complete, all the session videos will be uploaded on the blog. You can access the missed session videos on the blog. The videos recordings and access to the training blog is available to you for 6 months. The materials access thru Google drive repository is available to you for lifetime.
After the session is complete, all the session videos are uploaded for you to view using the blog. You can access the blog from any device (laptop, tablets, mobile phone) connected to internet and watch the videos.
Yes, as a sample we can surely provide you some videos from previous workshops.
In ILLT, you have an option to attend the live classes of other trainers. But, this has to be informed to the respective co-ordinators before completing three live sessions.
In case of ILVT and SPVT, you have an option to access other trainer’s videos on raising request to the co-ordinators and support team. But the access to the previously shared videos will be restricted.
To know more about our Terms of Service including the Refund and Rescheduling policy, please visit,
Refund and Rescheduling Policy – https://www.zarantech.com/Refund-policy/
Terms of Service – https://www.zarantech.com/terms-of-use/
The soft copy of course completion certificate from ZaranTech will be sent to you via e-mail after your training completion. Here is a Sample, https://goo.gl/Ben1V1
Once you have enrolled to the training program, our support team will send an email to your registered Email ID. The video link in an e-mail explains how to login to the training blog and access the training program and content. This takes less than 2-3 hrs.
We will help you to setup Virtual Machine in your System with local access. The detailed installation guides will be provided for setting up the environment. In case your system doesn’t meet the prerequisites e.g. 4GB RAM, you will be provided remote access to the Server for the practicals. For any doubt, the 24*7 support team will promptly assist you.
Most of our courses are designed to get you a job first and are also geared for you to get certified. After the course completion, your trainer will provide all details about the certification you can appear for the qualifications of each. We also provide you with Certification faqs and dumps from past certification exams. Our trainers help each and every student in getting them certified.
We are training and certification company company and after training provide Certification guidance, Resume and Interview preparation assistance. We also work with many sister consulting firms in USA who help in provide placements. See the videos below to learn more,
ZaranTech – Interview preparation Assistance – https://goo.gl/w3qcyP
ZaranTech – Resume-Preparation-Assistance – https://goo.gl/8gWz9O
Enroll to our Self paced video training.
Video Explanation – What is Self Paced Video Training – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1P9_fkg9mE
Our corporate office is located in West Des Moines, Iowa. And our Offshore support center is located in Bangalore, India.
Generic Placement FAQs
We are a training and certification company which provides excellent online, classroom and self-paced training programs. After our training is finished, this is what we provide,
Resume Assistance – We help you with preparing a very good and presentable Resume using your past experience and the Real project based Case studies. We also help you how to represent your resume and answer project based questions, module based technical questions, and behavioral questions. After you are done with this process, you will be very confident with representing you resume
Interview preparation Assistance – We provide you mock interview videos, Interview faqs and project based documents. We then guide you step by step to take an interview and clear it
Certification Assistance – We provide you with Certification dumps from past certifications, and a step-by-step guide and resources to appear for the Certification
After all these are completed, we work with you and the 50+ sister consulting companies we are aligned with to get you a job interview.
It is not a good idea to get marketed by multiple consulting companies at the same. It might take serious impact on candidature, due to duplicate resume submission by different consulting companies to same client. Some times resume might go on hold.
Because of above-mentioned reasons, it is always better to work with one staffing company at one time.
Once you have completed your training we will assign a staffing company for your assistance.Escalate to us immediately, If you feel the assigned Sister consulting company is not doing justice. Then, we will assign another Sister consulting company with in 24 hours.
We provide Placement Assistance. We are training and certification company and after training provides Certification guidance, Resume, and Interview preparation assistance. We also work with many sister consulting firms in the USA who help in provide placements. See the videos below to learn more,
Video Explanation – Resume preparation Assistance – https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B54DtdFoJjynNkJJT2hvVHZwZlk
Video Explanation – Interview preparation Assistance – https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B54DtdFoJjynUnA5NGg3MHVZbGs
We only place our own students. If you have already taken the training somewhere else then we cannot help you with placement. We have more than 150 students per month that we train here, so we are very busy with our own student placements. Also, we follow certain standards in our training program and are very comfortable placing our own trained students because of the training structure we follow and the course we cover and the trainer we have. Our training follows a Role based approach.
Unfortunately, We DO NOT provide such services. We are a leading training firm and we train you and get you better in that skill chosen by you. We will share frequently asked interview questions to you. We assist you in preparing yourself with the help of Mock Interviews to understand how to take up an interview call but WE DO NOT take (PROXY INTERVIEW) interviews on your behalf. We will make sure you will face interviews as experienced consultant with confidence by providing best role based training. We will make sure that you don’t require a proxy interview.
We will share sample resumes for reference and we will guide you to prepare best professional looking resume. But we will not draft your resume due to legal restrictions. It is your resume and whatever you submit as your resume, we will market the same. Interviewer picks the questions from your resume only. You will answer all the interviewer’s questions with confidence, If you put your efforts to prepare resume. We have plenty of sample resumes. Hardly it will take less than a minute to send modified resume to you. But trust me you will find difficulty by searching answers in interview because of that resume.
Sure, you can have preferences though we prefer you keep it OPEN. Relocation really opens up the prospects and helps us place you FASTER. Recruiters/Sister consulting firms shows much interest if you are Flexible to relocate anywhere in USA. But people do have Preferences, we do understand that.
For a best candidate, LOCATION Preferences is not a big hurdle. Candidate can expect more interview calls if he/she market themselves, than a candidate who is depending on only one recruiter or one Sister consulting company. Here we are not trying to ignore you after the training. We will guide how to get more interview calls by marketing yourself. Whoever uploads the resume in job portals will not get interview calls for everyone. It is an ART to get attracted by recruiters and get more interview calls. We will help you to that skill.
Sooner you are prepared, better for both parties. We will give you deadlines to accomplish goals and our placement team will actively work with you from there-on. Placements can be quick considering the job market situation.
We do not offer any job guarantees. But we surely do offer certification guarantee if you attend your classes regularly, complete all quizzes and assignments and Case Study/Project at the end. No Company can ever guarantee a job. We can assist, not guarantee jobs. We do our best to get the good number of interview calls through our 50+ sister consulting companies we work with. But we do require your efforts for the same. We can guarantee that.
The idea is very simple – Get better at concepts and with our resume and interview assistance, clear an interview and get a job. There is no shortcut then this.
Job Market is good at the moment, there are ample job opportunities that awaits you, however more the job opportunities, higher the competition.
With Regards to Pay, It all depends on client, location, job market and number of Layers involved in your payroll. The pay might vary from $50-55k per annum for BA and $60-65K for Java/Informatics/Hadoop/Salesforce/SAP Consultant. But if we get a better rate, we surely pay better too.
Our Idea is to get you started on a job. We advise you take up the first job offered, wet your feet, get some experience and then can demand whatever rate later.
It is quite a challenge for us to get First Project for you, hence we suggest you focus towards working hard and aiming for the first project instead of worrying about the pay.
Those rates which we mentioned are approximate. It usually depends on the client, experience & number of layers in your payroll and job market. Your negotiation skills also matter.
The course fees you pay is for learning the concepts of the course we provide so you can get better and get certified and clear your interviews.
We work with 50+ Sister consulting companies. Escalate to us immediately, If you feel the assigned Sister consulting company is not doing justice. Then, we will assign another Sister consulting company in 24 hours. You will always have an opportunity to work with another sister consulting company, if you don’t like them regarding resume marketing.
Here we don’t ignore you after the training. If you are interested, we will guide how to get more interview calls by marketing yourself. Whoever uploads the resume in job portals will not get interview calls for everyone. It is an art to get attracted by recruiters and get more interview calls. We will help you to get that skills.
Well it’s always a give and take. We do our best to get interviews and you must work towards it. In job market there are huge requirements for various positions/job-roles, but we need to send candidates who are thoroughly prepared to face the interviews.
Try to be flexible regarding location and salary rates at least for first project. So that you can expect good number of interviews early.
We only market our own trainees and we are busy in marketing them .There is a certain way we work, our placement team will process you through the Resume Process, Mock Interviews/Interview preparation, Resume Marketing. For us to understand you better and your job requirements. We suggest you to enrolling/registering our training program and go through us to get marketed.
First of all we DONT suggest or advise anyone to FAKE their Resumes. Since we provide Role Based training, you will be provided with Real-time project based Assignments and Case Studies. This will help you understand about your roles and responsibilities in an actual project scenario. Most of our students use this as experience and update same on their resume as a project; In addition to that our candidates are provided with various other real-time project based case studies.
Post their BA Training, while re-drafting the resume, we suggest the candidates to stress on BA skills learnt out of their previous work experience as a QA. This will help focus on the BA skills to secure a BA job more easily.It is a challenge for us place a fresher
No, we don’t charge for it. Even you don’t need to pay to our sister consulting companies who assist you with Resume preparation assistance, Interview Preparation assistance and lastly Placement.
Video Explanation – Resume preparation Assistance – https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B54DtdFoJjynNkJJT2hvVHZwZlk
Video Explanation – Interview preparation Assistance – https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B54DtdFoJjynUnA5NGg3MHVZbGs
Yes. We do work with TN Visa holder who are living in USA. We will work with students who has valid work permit in USA and who are living in USA. But we do not provide services to get TN VISA (Immigration support). As of now, we only have clients in USA and don’t provide services in Mexico/Canada.
Yes. we do help for H1B Transfer with the help of our Vendors (sister consulting companies). They only transfer your H1B once finding a project for you.
It is completely depend up on the job opening.
If you get placed through our sister consulting companies, we will provide on the job support. If you get placed on your own, we don’t. It is up to the trainer whether he wants to give you the support or not. If he wants then, he will charge for that separately.
It is illegal to charge a candidate for H1B. We will take care of your H1B fee If you get placed through our sister consulting companies.
Most of the USA companies consider only your USA experience. But it may vary. If the company needs to close the position soon or the skill has much demand in the job market, then they only check how strong you are in subject.
Once you are done with your training, we will assist you in all the best possible ways to get you Interview calls. We assist in Resume Assistance, mock interviews/Interview preparation etc. Once you get through Interview faqs, then we market your resume. If you cooperate with our vendor and flexible regarding location and rates, then there are high chances to get placed maximum in 2-3 months.
As per our company policy we do not offer the option of payment after placement because you are paying for the services of training and certification learning and not for placement services. After the training process which involves resume preparation assistance, interview preparation assistance and placement services through our sister consulting companies are offered to you as a free service.
However you may approach several other institutes online that offer this option, if you are looking for one. We would be more than happy to help you If you need a quality training.
We have this company policy of charging UPFRONT for the training.
But 100% we provide placement assistance to the trainees who reach us.
We don’t have any direct clients. Because we are not into core consulting services. We work with consulting companies for placement assistance. We are tie up with 50+ consulting companies. They will market your resume to their clients.
We don’t have liberty to share our sister concern company names, unless until you enroll with us at least for a video training. After completing the training we will assign a consulting company for assistance.
- Akshay has been selected as a speaker at O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference in London 2019. Where he will be talking on “Deep Learning and Attention Networks all the Way to Production - Text summarization and Generation”. It is a one day Tutorial.
- Top 40 under 40 Data Scientists in India by Analytics India Magazine - https://www.mlds.analyticsindiasummit.com/awards/
- Author of the books on NLP, ML, DL - https://amzn.to/2VUwsJV
- Regular speaker at most of the AI Conference – MLDS, GIDS, Fifth elephant.
- Aloysius Star Alumini Award.
- Sapient - Collaboration and Client Impact award.
- CEB ‘Best Innovations and Critical Problem solver’ award.
- Accenture ‘Extra mile’ award.
- Accenture ‘Trend setter.’ Award
This is a complete Data Science boot camp specialization training course from ZaranTech that provides you with detailed learning in Data Science, Data Analytics, project life cycle, data acquisition, analysis, statistical methods and Machine Learning. You will gain expertise to deploy Recommenders using R programming, and you will also learn data analysis, data transformation, experimentation and evaluation.
What will you learn in this Data Science course online training?
- Data Science introduction and importance
- Data acquisition and Data Science life cycle
- Experimentation, evaluation and project deployment tools
- Different algorithms used in Machine Learning
- Predictive analytics and segmentation using clustering
- Big Data fundamentals and Hadoop integration with R
- Data Scientist roles and responsibilities
- Deploying recommender systems on real-world data sets
- Working on data mining, data structures and data manipulation
Who should take up this Data Science online course?
Big Data, Business Intelligence and Business Analyst Professionals, Information Architects, Statisticians, Developers looking to master Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics and those looking to take up the roles of Data Scientist and Machine Learning Experts
What are the prerequisites for learning Data Science?
There are no particular prerequisites for this training course. If you love mathematics, it is helpful to learn Data Science. You will also get MS Excel self-paced course free with this course.
Why should you take up the Data Scientist certification course online?
- Data Scientist is the best job of the 21st century – Harvard Business Review
- Global Big Data market to reach $122 billion in revenue in six years – Frost & Sullivan
- The number of jobs for all the US Data Professionals will increase to 2.7 million per year – IBM
The demand for Data Scientists far outstrips the supply of them. This is a serious problem in a data-driven world that we are living in today. Most of the organizations are ready to pay top-dollar salaries for professionals with the right Data Science skills. This Data Science course online will provide you with all skills needed to master Data Science along with Big Data, Data Analytics and R programming. All this means that you can fast-track your career to take on more lucrative and promising job roles and take your career to the next level.
What is the average salary for a Data Scientist in the US?
Which are the top companies hiring Data Scientist professionals?
Today, every company is hiring Data Scientists. Here are some of the top companies hiring Data Scientists: Google, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, Walmart, Visa, Target, Bank of America and others.
What are the different paths to enter Data Science?
There are multiple paths to becoming a Data Scientist. There are a set of tools that are being extensively used by a Data Scientist like the programming languages of R and Python, along with analytical tools like SAS and others. The person should be well aware of data analytics and statistical packages. He should also be aware of Big Data Hadoop and Spark which can be very useful for a Data Scientist. When the data is converted into business insights, the Data Scientist is supposed to have a good knowledge of various visualization and reporting tools. He should be firmly grounded in various aspects such as coming up with compelling visualizations, charts, maps and reports that can help anybody to understand the data.
How Data Scientists are different from Business Analysts or Data Analysts?
What Data Science projects will you be working in this Data Science training?
This course includes real-life industry-based projects, which will help you in gaining hands-on experience and prepare you for challenging Data Science roles
How is ZaranTech Data Science Certification awarded?
ZaranTech follows a rigorous certification process. To become a certified Data Scientist, you must fulfill the following criteria:
Online Instructor-led Course
- Successful completion of all projects, which will be evaluated by trainers
- Scoring a minimum 60% in the Data Science quiz conducted by ZaranTech
Self-paced Course
- Completing all course videos in our LMS
- Scoring a minimum 60% in the Data Science quiz conducted by ZaranTech
What does a Data Scientist do?
Understand the Problem
- A Data Scientist should learn about the issue at ground and ask the right questions.
Collect Enough Data
- As the name implies, a Data Scientist has to collect enough data in order to make sense of the problem at hand and get a better grip of the issue with respect to the time, money and resources needed.
Process the Raw Data
- Data can rarely be used in its original form. It needs to be processed, and there exist various methods to convert it into a usable format.
Explore the Data
- After the data has been processed and converted into a form that can then be used in the later stages, the Data Scientist need to explore it further so as to get the characteristics of the data and find out more about the obvious trends, correlation and more.
Analyze the Data
- This is where the magic happens. The Data Scientist deploys various arsenals in his repositories like Machine Learning, statistics and probability, linear and logistic regression, time-series analysis and more in order to make sense of the data.
Communicate the Results
- At the end of the entire process, there is a need to communicate the findings to the right stakeholders in order to get the groundwork done for all recognized issues.
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