Top 4 Programming Languages to learn in 2019

Category: General Posted:Apr 11, 2019 By: Robert


Most of the people want to begin their career as a software developer. If you are a fresher in the software development field, you may find it difficult to decide from where to start your software development career, as there are thousands of programming languages which are used extensively. Once you start your journey as a software developer, you will have to find out which language will be most appropriate for you, which language you are interested in. Just like English is the international language for business, similarly various programming languages are better suitable for different purposes. Thus, you should have some queries before selecting the appropriate language such as the kind of project you want to work on? Whether you wish to learn higher-level languages, or you feel comfortable with lower-level language? Whether you hold any background in mathematics and logic which may help you to learn? Do you want to work on the front end or back end etc.?

Well, the choice of programming language is depends on three factors, i.e. popularity, the tendency for it to become valuable and accessible in the future and the salary for the programming language. Thus, let’s begin to explore the best and most demanding programming languages which are used for web development, mobile development, game development and many more. This article provides you a clear image of which programming languages will support to enhance your career in the year 2019 and later.

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1. JavaScript: Most of the web developers prefers JavaScript language. If a developer does not know JavaScript, it may be challenging to find a job in the web development platform. JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language. It is one of the most conventional programming languages of this digital world. JavaScript is important in front-end development including HTML and CSS. Most of the popular websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, and YouTube depend on JavaScript for creating interactive web pages and displaying content to users dynamically.

Along with the pure JavaScript, there are numerous libraries and frameworks which are proposed to make JavaScript easier. Angular, react, Vue, Ember and jQuery are some of the popular frameworks. The professional JavaScript developers should have experience in one or more of these frameworks. Though JavaScript is mainly a front-end language which can be run on any browsers, it can also be utilized on the server-side with the help of Node.js which is compatible with Linux, SunOS, Mac OS and Windows. JavaScript is one of the most user-friendly programming languages for beginners because it has a forgiving, flexible syntax and capable of working across all major browsers.

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Advantages of JavaScript:

  • JavaScript can produce the same result on all modern browsers, i.e. it supports all the major web browsers.
  • JavaScript can execute on client environment which saves bandwidth and makes the execution process fast.
  • It has user interface interactivity, for example, it is used to fill web page data dynamically like a drop-down list for a Country and State.
  • JavaScript syntax is flexible and straightforward which help developers to write and execute the code.

2. Python: Python is one of the most user-friendly programming languages. The syntax of Python is more clear, intuitive and almost like English, due to which it has become the leading choice of beginners. Python has various application which makes it more adaptable, powerful while selecting the best programming language for the use case. Python comes with several packages such as NumPy and SciPy which are popularly used in scientific computing, mathematics, and engineering. Other libraries of Python such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn are utilized in creating data science, machine learning, image processing, and computer vision programs. If you are interested in back-end web development, then you can use the Django framework which is an open source framework, written in Python and easy to learn. Django has been utilized in developing various popular sites like Mozilla and Instagram.

Few advantages of Python:

  • Python is simple and easily understandable language.
  • Python contains simple syntax due to which it is easy to learn and use.
  • Python is a free and open source language.
  • It is user-friendly and high-level programming language.
  • Python is a portable language because of its open-source nature. The Python programs can be smoothly run on different platforms such as Windows, Linux, Unix, etc. without making any changes in the program.
  • Python supports the Object-oriented language and thus the concepts of classes and objects come into reality. It also supports procedure-oriented programming, i.e., the programs are created around procedures or functions.
  • The Python programming language contains an extensive and broad Python library which provides a rich set of functions and modules for rapid application development.
  • Python is an interpreted language, i.e. the code in the Python language executes line by line at a specific time; this helps the beginners to debug the code easily.
  • It is easy to integrate Python programming language with other programming languages such as C, C++, JAVA, etc.
  • Python programming language is extensible; this means that languages such as C and C++ can be used to compile the code and thus it can be used in Python code further.
  • With the help of the Python programming language, it is easy to develop a graphical user interface.

3. GO: GO is an open source programming language. With the help of GO, it is possible to create simple, secure and productive software. It is one of the latest players in the programming platform. GO was developed in 2007 and officially published in 2012. Google approved it and enhanced in such a way that it can be run on multi-core processors, networked systems and huge computational groups. It is strongly and statically typed language and thus supports garbage collection and concurrent programming. In this programming language, the programs are created using packages, for effective management of dependencies. In order to produce executable binaries, Go uses a traditional compile and connection models. With the help of GO programming language, the developers are able to fix general criticism of other languages by recalling their valuable characteristics such as static typing and efficiency, comfortable of using, extraordinary performance networking and multiprocessing. GO include all the efficiency of Python and performance of other languages such as C++ and Java which support users to create scalable applications.

Advantages of “Go” Programming Language:  

  • The compilation time is very fast in Go Programming.
  • It provides inbuilt concurrency support, lightweight processes channels, select statement.
  • The Go programs are simple, easy to write, brief and safe.
  • Go programming supports for interfaces and type embedding.
  • It also supports for environment accepting patterns similar to dynamic languages.
  • It provides support for statistically linked native binaries without any external dependencies.

4. JAVA: Java is other popular language to learn; it is a general-purpose language, and has been a major support in the world of programming for more than 20 years. Due to its write once and run anywhere feature it has become more popular. It is possible to write a Java code on any device, compile it into low-level machine code, and execute it on any platform which has Java Virtual Machine, i.e. JVM. Thus, we can say that Java is highly cross-platform compatible. Java is the foundation for the Android operating system and it is one of the most popular language for creating android apps. Most of the companies are preferring Java programming language. Around 90% of fortune 500 companies are using Java for developing applications as well as back end systems. The Apache Hadoop data processing system is created in Java, and it is executed by AWS, i.e. Amazon Web Services and Azure. Due to its flexibility, it has become the topmost choice for the beginners to learn, also it is used in numerous introductory programming courses. Java has many use cases, and therefore it has become the first choices of programmers who are looking for a flexible, and modular language with fixed business applications.



Advantages of Java:

  • As compared to other programming languages, Java is a simple, easy to use, write, compile, debug and learn. Because of its automatic memory allocation and garbage collection it is simpler than C++.
  • Java is an Object-oriented programming language and includes concepts such as class, object, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism, etc.; this enables you to develop modular programs and reusable code.
  • Java is a Platform independent language which allow you to write the program once and execute on any platform and Java compatible browser.
  • Java is a distributed language. It has excellent networking capability.
  • Java is a secure programming language. It is the first language which includes security as an essential part of the design. Java’s compiler, interpreter, and run-time environment were developed by keeping security in mind.
  • Java has a stack allocation system and follows LIFO, due to which it is easy to store and retrieve data.
  • Java support for multi-threading which means that a Java program is capable of performing multiple tasks concurrently.
  • Java provides several Application programming interfaces, i.e. APIs for application development.

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Conclusion: Thus, these programming languages are the most popular languages and has their own benefits. The candidate who wish to begin their journey as a developer can select any of these languages according to their interest, learn it and become proficient.


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