SAP Biller Direct (FIN-FSCM-BD)
Category: SAP FSCM Posted:Nov 16, 2019 By: Alvera Anto
SAP Biller Direct is a web-based engine for invoicing. It lessens the time and cost of sending Invoices to the client. Add to that, It gives Vendors an online vision of their solicitations (from SAP).
Clients can straightforwardly make the installment for open things solicitations (Direct charge or Mastercard ). In any case, this usefulness isn’t conveyed as a matter of course and requires some arrangement.
So as to utilize SAP Billing Direct, a standard web program is sufficient for Vendors to get to the entry.? It can give get to through SAP Enterprise Portal, or some other entryway utilizing single sign-on tickets
Standard mode incorporates all capacities that clients utilizing SAP Biller Direct can execute in your Internet entry. These include:
EBPP (Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment):
Electronic: Electronic conveyance and receipt utilizing the Internet.
Bill: Billing Information from SAP SD and FI modules.
Presentment: Presentation of Information on the web (Open Bills, Bills for Approval, Paid Bills, Profile Information)
Payment: Enables the client to pay web based utilizing Bank Account or Credit Cards.
Biller Direct satisfies EBPP capacities, for example, present open bills, took care of tabs, contest preparing, online installment (Visa/direct charge). It additionally flawlessly coordinates with SAP FI-AR.
Contrasting withstand along and EBPP programming, the benefit of SAP Biller Direct is the out-of-box joining. for example, when the Biller executes charging in the backend system(R/3 or none R/3 charging framework), the client could discover their bills on the web.
SAP Biller Direct gives the accompanying administrations to the Customers:
- Enables clients to survey their record status.
- Enables clients to audit Billing Information (Invoices, Credits, Payments, and so on)
- Enables clients to download the Invoices, Credits duplicates for references.
- Enables clients to make installment utilizing Credit Cards, Debit cards or Online Banking.
- Enable clients to see their exchange data online when information reaches to R3 framework.
Standard segments accessible on Biller Direct:
- Solicitations list for Approval
- Open Bills (Invoices and Credits)
- Taken care of Tabs (In-process and Processed)
- Payments (In-Process and Processed)
- Profile
Background of SAP Biller Direct Internet Application:
Introduction/Business Layer:
- Biller Direct uses JAVA JSP for frontend improvement and to associate with the SAP R3 backend framework.
- Biller Direct utilized MVC (Model View Controller) Architecture.
- Biller Direct utilized the XML document for setup which is called XCM record settings. JSP records are utilized as a server-side language.
- JCO Connection is utilized to interface between SAP R3 backend and JAVA frontend.
- SAP RFCs are utilized to pull and submit data from the frontend.
Standard APIs used in Standard Biller Direct Application:
Bank Details maintain in SAP:

Assortment Authorization must be checked to permit installment from Biller Direct.

Payment Method: Configured installment strategies to be utilized in Biller Direct.
Payment Methods accessible in Biller Direct:
Web client makes installment utilizing either utilizing their bank assortment (programmed or direct charge) or Mastercard, the framework requires installment techniques to have the option to enter this data in the Invoices/Billing Item.
Payment Method can be characterized as the method of Payment that Web clients have used to make Payment.

Arrangement Payment Method is dependent on Company Code.

Edit Payment Method
Payment Methods are utilized to distinguish the method of Payment ex: Online Payment, Check, and so on. There are two diverse Payment Methods that are designed in the present framework.

Whenever required to change these Payment Methods dependent on the Company codes, that should be possible at the following Configuration.

Configuration made dependent on Company Code.

Payment Block Configuration
On the off chance that you use Invoice Management to naturally issue and make approaching and active payment, there may be situations where you would need to bar a particular colleague from the payment run.
For this reason, you dole out a payment obstruct that shows the explanation behind the avoidance.

Standard and Custom Payment Blocks defined in FI-AR Biller Direct Configuration.

In FSCM-Biller Direct define Payment Block for releasing of Payment.

Custom Payment Block characterized in Biller Direct (Payment won’t be discharged if Payment Block is applied)

Reference Users:
Reference client is made in SAP R/3 who is allocated to the Web client, all approvals and jobs are allocated to this Reference client in SAP R/3. Every one of these approvals and Roles is then utilized by the Web Users.
These Reference Users are made in ECC.
Reference Users can be made utilizing the accompanying design in SPRO:

Company Codes
The organization code is the central hierarchical unit of outer bookkeeping inside the SAP System.
You should characterize at any rate one organization code before executing the Financial Accounting segment.
The business exchanges pertinent for Financial Accounting are entered, spared, and assessed at the organization code level.

I hope that by now you have had an overview of SAP FSCM. Before you enroll in ZaranTech’s certification course on SAP FSCM, do check out the tutorial for Beginners: