UML Modeling an integral part of Microsoft .NET

Category: General Posted:Dec 22, 2014 By: Ashley Morrison

umlActivity diagrams are an integral part of Microsoft .NET training program. In its fundamental basic structure in simple terms the diagram is straightforward and intuitive explanation of working of the workflow. It also helps in determining the paths and the suggestive actions. It also shows the parallel path or process for an action. This is used to depict the basic workflow for a use case in a business environment. In a simple basic workflow the definitions for text is usually moderate , whereas in the complex activity diagram, composite structures, activity diagrams assist to illuminate and create more noticeable workflow.

In a given project, the use case helps to depict the new comprehensive level for an activity diagram that is modeled. These diagrams can be used independently of use cases for modeling a business. This type of use case diagram helps in actions, showing the triggers and giving a process flow for the event. The activity diagram can be depicted in the UML sequence diagram. The flow for a process is represented in a step wise format in an activity diagram. This helps in focusing one activity per time for the user. The business users find the UML technique an easy method to understand the actions and process for a project. Thus it is a great tool to show the actions and process.

When to Use: Activity Diagrams

Activity diagrams should be used in combination with other modeling techniques such as interaction diagrams and state diagrams. The key motivation to utilize activity diagrams is to model the workflow behind the system being planned. Activity diagrams express the workflow performance of a system. Activity diagrams are parallel to state diagrams. The diagrams describe the sequence of activities executed. Activity diagrams can confirm activities that are conditional or parallel.

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